Current Students & Postdoctoral Fellows

Sarun Khadka, BSc (MSc Student)

Nursery Thinning Impacts on Seedling Genetic Diversity in Improved Seedlots


Office: Earth Sciences Building


Eden McPeak, BSc (MSc Candidate)

Establishment of realized gain trials

I received my BSc in Evolutionary Biology from the University of Alberta, and am currently an MSc candidate in the Thomas Lab. My project is focused on assessing the first Realized Gain Trials in the province for overwinter survival and growth. This includes comparing the survival and growth of white spruce and lodgepole pine seedlings grown from wild and genetically improved seed.

Office: Earth Sciences Building


Current Support & Technical Staff

Stacy Bergheim, BSc (Forestry) - Tree Improvement Lab Coordinator

Formerly RES-FOR project coordinator

RES-FOR website

Office: Earth Sciences Building 3-32B


Phone: 780-492-0447


Emelie Dykstra


Kieran Fischer