How mapping tree genomes can help plant forests resilient to climate change

May 2, 2024

Read the CBC article or watch the video clip:



Resilient Forests (RES-FOR): Climate, Pests & Policy - Genomic Applications

Dr. Barb Thomas - University of Alberta ALES profile

International Poplar Commission

Alberta Forest Pest Diagnostic System

Articles of Interest

Each year the BC Ministry of Forest's Forest Improvement and Research Management Branch prepares a Year In Review document.

Book: Climate-Smart Forestry in Mountain Regions

Book: Short Rotation Woody Crop Production Systems for Ecosystem Services and Phytotechnologies

International Poplar Commission - reform June 2019 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

"Poplars and Willows - Trees for People and the Environment" - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

"Poplar and Willow News - Issue 10, June 2019"- Newsletter of the International Poplar Commission

"Poplar and Willow News - Issue 9, October 2018"- Newsletter of the International Poplar Commission

"Poplar and Willow News - Issue 8, February 2018" - Newsletter of the International Poplar Commission

"Poplar and Willow News - Issue 7, March 2017" - Newsletter of the International Poplar Commission

Alberta Forest Genetic Resource Management and Conservation Standards Volume 1: Stream 1 and Stream 2 (FGRMS) 2016


FAO - Poplars and Willows: Trees For Society and The Environment 

Alberta Seed Matters - Government of Alberta

Forest Genetics Council of British Columbia - Newsletter

Tree Seed Working Group News Bulletins - Canadian Forest Genetics Association

Resilient Forests (RES-FOR) - Genome Canada

"Trees Do It Too" - Your Forest Podcast with Barb Thomas


Forest Industry Lecture Series - ALES Youtube Channel

Using drones to collect leaf samples - University of Sherbrooke