Media Coverage

Dr. Tariq Siddique – Soil Chemistry -Environmental Microbiology

UC Riverside scientists isolate microorganisms that break down a toxic pesticide 

Researchers Tariq Siddique, William Frankenberger and Ben Okeke with samples of isolated purified bacterial and fungal strains that biodegrade endosulfan. (Photo credit: Judy Chappell.)

UC Riverside News Release: 02-27-2003
Press release: 01-16-2003, Scientists target microorganisms to break down toxic pesticide, American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, Soil Science Society of America.
Science Daily Magazine.

California Agriculture: April-June 2003, Microorganisms break down toxic pesticide.
Los Angeles Times (Science File): 03-11-2003: Microorganisms found to clean soil, water.
Discovery increases amount of water recovered from tailings ponds

UAlberta researcher Tariq Siddique with the experimental columns in his lab that were used to incubate tailings samples and observe densification. He is finding that microbes could be used to increase the amount of water recovered from tailings ponds.

University of Alberta News Release
RENEW Newsletter Fall 2012
Edmonton Journal News: June 07, 2012; The U of A’s Dr. Tariq Siddique and Dr. Julia Foght have shown that microbes can speed up the settling-out process in tailings ponds.

Acidity issues could  surface during management of oil sands tailings

RENEW Newsletter Fall 2015

Heated sediments release arsenic into groundwater but the arsenic’s fate remains unclear

RENEW Newsletter Fall 2016