- REN R 360 – Soil and Water Conservation Section: LEC B1
Global soil and water resources and their current rates of degradation. The main processes of degradation (erosion, loss of organic matter, salinization, pollution) and their causes. Consequences of degradation and conservation of resources through improved land use practices. Prerequisites: (REN R 210 or SOILS 210) and REN R 250. Credit may be obtained for only one of REN R 360 or ENCS 360.
- REN R 750 – Soil and Water Conservation Section: LEC B1
Global soil and water resources and their current rates of degradation. The main processes of degradation (erosion, loss of organic matter, salinization, pollution) and their causes. Consequences of degradation and conservation of resources through improved land use practices. Not available for students with credit in REN R 360 or ENCS 360. Available only to students in MAg, MBA/MAg, MF, or MBA/MF, or by consent of Department.